Design Build - NCA Build, Ltd.
NCA Build, Ltd. is the Design Build entity founded in 2001 by Nicholas Design Collaborative in an effort to ensure the quality and economy of the architectural design work produced by Nicholas Design Collaborative
This method of construction delivery has proven over the years to give the client a higher level of service and a better quality project by embedding the Architect as a partner with the construction team in the process. This allows the Owner to have NCA Build as the sole responsible party for delivery of the project, eliminating any conflict that may have occurred between Architect and Builder.
Because we have a more significant presence at the construction site, we have better control over the way details are executed, insuring that the materials and methods that we have specified are followed. Greater access to bids is given to the Owner, and information is presented in an “open book” manner.
More of our clients are choosing Design/Build over the traditional Architect/Builder/Owner relationship due to the simplicity of the relationships, greater quality control and fair pricing.